Monday, May 19, 2014

I guess I wanna be cool

I wanna be cool. I be the coolest. I wanna walk past people and get stares of amazement because both they and I know, I'm cool. I wanna look effortless. I want people to think, it's like she doesn't even try, when they see me strut past them. I just want all the cool kids to know who I am. I want them to want to be me and know me, just the way I want to be them and know them. I want to be able to have green hair with no questions. I want to get rounds of applause for my talents. I want everyone to know my worth. I want everyone to want to be how cool I am.
 I want to redefine cool. I want everyone to look at me and know that they too can be cool. I want everyone who looks up to me to know they can one day be me. I want a smile to show brightly on face, while heads turn to see my cool.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Jem and the Disappointment

Maybe two years ago I stumbled across a show on netflix called Jem and the Holograms. It's a show from the '80s, about a girl who loses her fortune and finds a way to support her foster home using the money she makes after she finds a piece of technology that turns her and her friends/ foster sisters into rockstars. Long Story short, it's freaking amazing. This was probably the first cartoon like this that I'd connected to. It was just amazing. It had a diverse set of characters and really inspired me at the time. It also helped that I share one of the characters' names. 

So, like any inspired teenaged girl, I was extremely happy to find out that they were comingout with a movie version of it. I swear, I screamed. Like loudly. So while waiting to hear more info. I got myself hyped up and excited and then it happened. The cast was released. Like I said before, the show had a diverse set of characters and great role models, so I was a bit..... okay EXTREMELY disappointed when I found out that all of the cast members were basically white... 

I just thought that because of the show it was based off of, it would be I don't know more diverse. I thought that the movie version of the show I loved so much, would make me feel, more included. I just really truly thought this would be different, but in the end it wasn't. One of my ultimate role models, Shana, would represent someone more like me, but I guess I was wrong. 

Shana from the '80s

The new Shana is the 3rd from the left...